August 3, 2011

pumpkins and 'spachos and molasses

Yesterday's breakfast: pumpkin fritters.

Served with cinnamon sugar. Next time I'm adding a pinch more sugar to the batter, so we don't need as much on top.

Today: cooked dinner for the parents! Collaborative father-daughter gazpacho...

and egg-planted redemption.

Recipe for gazpacho:

All of these are to taste.

1-2 pounds (8 large, or 14 West African-sized) tomatoes, blanched, peeled and seeded
2 cucumbers, peeled and seeded
2 bell peppers (or 3 mini African ones), chopped
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, ideally run through a garlic press
Olive oil, many glugs
Vinegar (sherry or, as I've used, apple cider with a pinch of lemon juice)
1-2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp red wine
Salt and pepper.

Throw everything in a food processor. Whiz to your heart's content; I like mine a bit chunky where Dad says his is usually much smoother.

Dad also adds tomato juice or V8 - we don't have that luxury here.

Serve with bread and avocado, if so desired. Even better if you can let it steep a good few hours, so the garlic and onion are less raw.

Dessert was, of course, Oaxaca bars a la mode as my valiant mother cleaned a Thanksgiving's worth of dishes.

Roll me off to bed now, I'm stuffed and exhausted!
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