September 7, 2011

frozen geometry

I had plans to eat chicken tonight.

I took a breast out of the freezer and into the fridge this morning before I left for work.

Plans dashed when I got home at 8pm: our fridge is too cold.  My chicken breast was still 85 or 90% frozen.  

"Fine," says I, "Fine, Freezer, I'll show you!  OPEN UP!"  And I found tonight's food in Freezer's chilly little belly.

I am marinating my chicken breast for tomorrow's dinner in a chipotle-raspberry sauce I picked up in Santa Fe.  Tonight I'm warming up the grill pan in anticipation.  And turning up the dial on the fridge.

Clockwise from top: cheese rösti on ketchup bed, green beans, Taiwanese super-chickeny veggie burger.  Not Pictured: curry mayo for the burger.

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