September 29, 2011

l'Shana Tova

Rosh Hashanah is a holiday I really like.

You eat round foods to symbolize the "roundness" of the year, and you get to sing all sorts of twice-a-year prayers without the solemnity of the second twice-a-year day, Yom Kippur ten days later.  It happens around harvest time, so in the States this is a perfect opportunity for fall comfort foods like brisket, tzimmes (carrots, plums, sweet potatoes) or kugel (noodle pudding).  Plus, there's always a big meal at someone's house on this day.  At least, that's the way it goes at home.

Here, I was limited to eating the most traditional and basic pairing of foods for Rosh Hashanah.

Apples are, as mentioned, round just like the circling-back year.  And honey symbolizes wishes for a sweet New Year.

May we all be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life!

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