October 21, 2011

Khadafy Chicken

JUST IN CASE you missed yesterday's explanatory post, I'll recap.  My parents first had this chicken at a friend's house.  On that night, they put the chicken on the grill then heard I-can't-honestly-remember-which breaking news about Gadhafi.  It was so enthralling that they forgot all about the grill, and the chicken charred.

So, call me morbid.  Just this once, I matched my food to the international news...  You can rename the marinade if you want.  It is under this name that the chicken marinade below became infamous in my family.

I marinated, I grilled, I blissed out.  Even now the kitchen still smells like this fabulous, piquant and herby marinade.  I would totally eat this every week if I wanted to go through the effort of making the marinade.  We'll see; grating that ginger is not the easiest thing in the world!

When my parents grilled this chicken on the outdoor grill, I remember it would taste nice but never this strong.  Doing it on my grill pan kept a lot more of the marinade on the chicken - even a bit too much.  It didn't help, either, that I drizzled more over the chicken before I started grilling to make sure it was super flavorful!  It was overpowering, but the cool, fresh tabouli I made with it helped to balance the strength of the flavors.

Tabouli is really easy and customizable.  I'm only gonna give a list of the ingredients, because proportions are so totally up to individual taste.  I had taboulis in Ireland that were essentially garnished bulghur, while my favorite is pretty close to a parsley salad.  It scrubs out my inner system when I'm feeling blah.


Khadafy Chicken Marinade


2 cloves chopped garlic
2 tsp salt
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp oregano
4 tbsp soy sauce
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp lemon juice


Marinate chicken breasts or drumsticks in this concoction for at least 3 hours, then grill.



Parsley, chopped fine
Tomatoes, chopped fine
Bulgur (preferably fine, but I used coarse), cooked and cooled
teeny bit of white onion, chopped super fine
Lemon juice
Dash of olive oil
Cumin (I tossed a pinch in for fun and kicks - though I don't think it's traditional)


Chop all ingredients that need chopping.  Mix together in proportions according to your own taste.

I was really happy with how it turned out considering I eyeballed the entire thing.

1 comment:

  1. This recipe is fantastic. Chicken came out very moist and full of flavour. I had a little twist though, I added 2 tbsp of powdered garlic instead of fresh garlic cloves just to make sure the garlic flavour is distributed evenly, one tbsp of balsamic vinegar instead of lemon juice and a dash of paprika.

    Thank you so much for the recipe.
