January 22, 2012

Weekend Brunch: Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros are delicious.  They are arguably one of my favorite breakfast foods, in a family recipe passed down from my dad - and I make no claims to authenticity.  Just to deliciousness.  

Egg for protein, salsa for veggies and spice, avocado for creaminess, cheese and sour cream for extra tastiness - and all of that piled on top of a delectable homemade tortilla.

What could be better?

As I've mentioned not a few times, jarred convenience foods can be hard to come by here.  So we make our own salsa.  Simple, but time-consuming.  The first thing you need is a good knife to cut the tomatoes into tangible cubes; it needs a sharp, serrated edge.  I got this cheese & tomato knife in a kitchen store on a trip to San Francisco, and it hasn't done me wrong yet.

After the tomatoes are cubed, mince some onion, garlic, cilantro, and chilis of your choice.  (I used local habaneros and jalapenos.  You can see them on top of the other ingredients in the next photo.)  Squeeze a lemon or lime over the top, and add salt and pepper.

Just like taboule, all of these proportions are to your own taste.

For the huevos, whip up some tortillas and some sour cream.  Cook as many eggs as you have tortillas, sunny-side up and with yolks a bit runny.  Cube your avocado, and grate the cheese.

To serve:
Place egg on top of tortilla.  Sprinkle cheese on top first, then other ingredients in any order you see fit.  Top with salt and pepper.

Buen provecho!


Prep time: 15 minutes

Ingredients (change proportions as you like!)
8 small tomatoes
1/2 white onion
2 garlic cloves
4 tsp cilantro
2 jalapeno peppers
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 tsp lemon juice

Cube tomatoes, mince onion, crush/mince garlic.  Dice cilantro and peppers.  Mix all in a bowl.  Add salt and pepper to taste and squeeze lemon juice on top.  Mix again.

Huevos Rancheros

Prep time: 20 minutes

Serves 4-8 (depending how hungry they are)

8 eggs
8 tortillas
1/2 cup sour cream
1 avocado, cubed
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

Cook the eggs sunny side up.  If you like your yolks on the firm side, cover the pan while the eggs are cooking.
Place one egg on top of each tortilla.  Top with cheese first, to allow it to melt.  Then add avocado, salsa, and sour cream.

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