August 24, 2012

Mushroom Chipotle Quesadillas

When you hear the word "quesadilla," I bet you think of big, folded, grilled tortillas with open sides.  These ones are pockets.  They might be the same thing as empanadas from countries further south - I'm not sure.

During our quick visit to Dublin a few weeks ago, we dropped by our favorite Mexican place.  The owner, our buddy Hugo, insisted we eat something.  Ruined our appetites, in the very best way.  He brought out tamales and his trademark quesadillas, drizzled with sour cream and accompanied by a decadent mole sauce.  I know he teaches a class on how to make that mole, and next time I visit Dublin I'm going to get myself there at all costs.  Here in Accra we made do with pineapple salsa.

The first time I had these quesadillas from Hugo, he served them filled with cheese and huitlacoche -- a seasonal mushroom that he romantically described as a "corn fungus."  Setting aside my doubts, I tasted, and immediately fell in love.  Chewy, earthy, firm mushrooms, soaked with their own gravy and creamy melty cheese, inside a crispy grain shell makes a perfect combination.  Deep down, I knew some day I'd do it myself, too.

We didn't have enough mushrooms for a full batch, so I padded the mushroom ones with spinach and whipped up a bean-and-spice filling for the other half of the tortillas.  Dump a can of beans into a pot with butter, garlic, cumin and paprika, smush with potato masher, heat.  The mushroom ones require a bit more of a recipe; voila.

Next time, I'm using more cheese!  I added half a cup more to the recipe.  Let me know how yours go.

Mushroom Chipotle Quesadillas, Azteca-Style

makes 12 quesadillas
serves 4-6
prep time: 20 minutes, total (in many bits)
cook time: 20 minutes for the filling + 8 minutes per piece for frying


for the tortillas:

1 cup masa harina
3/4 cup water
1/4 tsp salt

for the filling:

1 tbsp butter or olive oil
1 small onion, diced
500 g (2 packages) cremini mushrooms, diced small (1/2 inch chunks)
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
3/4 cup finely chopped spinach (optional)
2 tbsp adobo sauce from a can of chipotles in adobo (or 1 1/2 tbsp chipotle Tabasco, or 2 tsp chipotle powder)
salt and pepper to taste
2 cups cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 cup vegetable oil, for frying
2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro, for topping
sour cream, for topping

for the pineapple salsa:

1/2 pineapple
1/2 onion
1 clove garlic
3 small tomatoes
1 habanero pepper (or other pepper of your choice)
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
juice of 1 lime
salt and pepper, to taste


Measure the masa and salt into a bowl.  Add most of the water, but not all.  Mix well with your hands.  Add more water as needed; the dough should have the consistency of dryish mashed potatoes.  Divide into 12 equal-sized portions.  Cover the bowl with a dish towel to keep the moisture in.

Dice all ingredients for the salsa.  Mix in a bowl and adjust for your preferred taste balance.

Melt the butter or olive oil in a skillet on medium heat.  Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes, until soft and becoming translucent.  Add the diced mushrooms and salt.  Cook until the mushrooms have shrunk and lost most of their water, about 8 minutes.  Stir in the spices and adobo sauce.  Add the spinach (if using) and cook until it has lost its water, about 5 minutes.  Season with salt and pepper, and adjust other seasonings to taste.

Roll one tortilla dough-bit into a ball, place between 2 sheets of heavy plastic (I use clean zip-top bags with all the sides cut off).  Press under a large book, coffee can, or a tortilla press to make a thicker-than-average tortilla about 6 inches in diameter.  Remove plastic from one side only.

Add equal amounts of filling and cheese to the tortilla, between 1 and 2 tbsp each.  This depends how big your tortilla is.  With the plastic sheet at the bottom, carefully fold the tortilla in half, and pinch to seal all edges firmly.  Peel off the second piece of plastic.

Heat 2 inches of vegetable oil in a skillet.  Carefully add sealed quesadillas.  Heads up -- if the tortilla cracks, or the sealed edge leaks, the oil WILL splatter.  Be prepared and don't hover too close to the pan!  Cook for 4 minutes each side or until golden-brown.  Remove from oil and drain on paper towels.

When ready to serve: drizzle with sour cream, garnish with cilantro, and serve with salsa on the side.

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