March 14, 2013

Anniversaries... or not

It's Pi Day, 3-14.

Today would have marked our second anniversary living in Ghana.  Instead, we're counting four months and a couple days since we left.  Last week, the HF's cousin asked me for a recipe for plantains.  Of course I recommended kelewele.  Ghana will never be totally gone.

I miss the warmth, the laid-back attitude, and the openness of the Ghanaians.  They said what you wanted to hear, even if it wasn't true.  Berliners are different.  Some people call them tactless, but I say they're direct.  Ask if something is possible, and instead of "I don't think so," or "not this time," or "that is a difficult question..." they'll just say "No."

Sometimes, it's nicer to hear what you wanna hear instead of what is the truth.  Count on a Ghanaian for that.

Sometimes, though, it's refreshing to know that the person you're talking to won't give you any shit.  Not a grain.  That's what Berlin is for.

Last week, the weather was gorgeous and springlike.  I got all my spring recipe ideas lined up.  Then last Thursday it got cold again, and over the weekend we were oh-so-courteously blanketed with clouds and another 6 inches of snow.  The past 2 days we've had sunshine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the last cold snap of the season.  OF THE SEASON!

Since Sunday is Paddy's, and I spent 3 years in Dublin with the Hungry Fiance, count on something special to mark the occasion.  None of the corned beef 'n cabbage... I'm thinking, I have spinach, I have sweet potatoes (yes I hoarded just a little bit don't judge), I have mozzarella... the colors are all there.  I need a dish which captures the flag.

Anyone have some ideas for me?

Just to keep the prettiness going, here's a photo of the eggplant parmesan we had for dinner on Tuesday.

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