March 14, 2014

Crapplesauce Pie

Here's an easy but delicious treat for Pi(e) Day.

When I made crapplesauce on Thanksgivukkah, it was so delicious that I made another batch the next day.

And I put it in the freezer. Well, I got out that crapplesauce last week, and today I made crapplesauce pie.

Our guest at Thanksgivukkah said this would make an awesome pie filling. By George, she was right. I didn't make real crusts or anything fancy (but if you wanna, have a look at my crust recipe). I just plopped the sauce into ramekins and covered them with puff pastry.

"Let there be pie," I said. And there was pie. And lo, it was good.

Crapplesauce Pie

serves 2
prep time: 8 minutes
cook time: 15-20 minutes


2 cups crapplesauce
2 sheets puff pastry


Preheat the oven to 350F/175C.

Thaw the puff pastry for 5 minutes. On a floured surface, roll until it's big enough to cover the ramekins.

See this? These ramekins are TOO FULL. Whoops.

Spoon crapplesauce into each ramekin. Fill them 2/3 or less as the crapplesauce will bubble - any fuller and it'll spill while it bakes. Cover the top with puff pastry. Bake according to the puff pastry's directions - probably 15-20 minutes. Remove when golden and enjoy carefully - they are hot!

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